Back in the day, when I was active on Facebook, I followed an essayist through his FB page, “Forsetti’s Justice”. I found his writings to be sound observations and insights into our world; politics, religion, humanity. Following the 2024 elections, like many… observers… he pulled back from the toxic vectors that rapidly escalated, in an effort to regain focus, as we are all doing – on finding a sound path forward through this bull shit. He and I kept in contact, and I was glad to see he has not lost his vision or his voice. This week, he posted an essay on Tumblr "On Consequences..." of how to… FEEL in the moment. To give yourself permission to feel apathetic towards those who refused to pay attention and / or know better. As he begins; these people are in the “Find Out” portion of “Fuck Around”. His insight is certainly helping me develop a strategy for the fight forward. And quite honestly, for as heinous as what we are witnessing is, I have an overwhelming sense of personal schadenfreude in watching the people who proudly supported SCROTUS now getting the raw education in the "Find Out" portion of "Fuck Around".
The path forward has to come from us. Sadly, help will probably not becoming from the Democrats other than tersely written letters and pleas for money. I think of the lions of party who have departed this Earth; Statesmen like Joe Lewis, Democrats with spines. These years ahead are going to suck. There is no avoiding it. Their focus now is to fuck with Social Security (that thing SCROTUS promised would NEVER happen!) now that the DoE and IRS is going into turmoil. (Funny… they have not knocked on the doors of the Pentagon yet… hmmm?) I expect that in short order, SCROTUS and the Nazi Ketamine Crackhead will begin hyping “Massive voter fraud!” and send DOGE into the boards of canvassers to halt everything election related until “they can sort out the fraud”. Net: Expect an election that is controlled by DOGE.
What we can do is
get involved. As Pete Buttigieg put it; now is the time to lace up
the boots, roll up the sleeves and get back to work. I am getting
engaged with the grass roots organization Indivisible; it’s my
awakening in the next, new world. I signed up with Indivisible through a local group. So far, it has been.. pleasant. No hourly texts, no pleas for money. Just notices that there is organization afoot, calls from the national leadership, general thoughts on how we should proceed forward. Time to think before we react.
I never, ever thought that I would be spending my retirement years joining an underground resistance to fight the Nazi’s and to restore democratic control of an Authoritarian government, but here we are. So much for gardening and posting pictures of my cats.
As much as I hate to say it - I am not a conspiracy theorist - but I think the team of hackers that is DOGE controlled the 2024 elections and, going forward, there will be no such thing as a "free and fair election."
Pat, I have to concur. It will be a "Putin Election" - "I got 94% of the vote!" Dissidence will not be tolerated. We will, however, get a tersely written letter from the ever decreasing Democratic minority and a promise that "We'll turn the tide in the NEXT election!"
Sorry... too pessimistic?
Today is Wednesday the 19th, tomorrow afternoon, Indivisible is hosting a 30 minute Skype general overview call. See their website for details.
Good post and good resistance work! But you simply MUST continue to garden and post photos of your cats too. Without down time and self-care, activism burns people out very, very quickly. Play the long game, it's necessary.
I have to be in it for the long game. I am intending to use this blog to just keep folks aware of... the good things(?).
Terrific post! I signed up for Indivisible. I love your cats.
Yeah!!!! Fantastic!!!
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