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Anti-AI: Removing MS CoPilot from my PC.

 I look at AI the way Han Solo looked at "The Force" in "Star Wars: A New Hope":

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid."

My Microsoft Windows 11 laptop is a fine little piece of technology.  I've had it a few years now, and it does everything I need it to do. But then the fine people at Microsoft decided that they could improve on it, and dumped their AI platform, "CoPilot", smack-dab in the middle of all their apps and the PC.  At first, I thought "Just ignore it and it will go away..."  but that didn't work. 

"Would you like CoPilot to write your Email for you?"

"Let CoPilot draft your Word document!"

Um... no and no.  I like to think that I am still somewhat of a functional adult, and perfectly capable of creating my own content.  

So I did some digging and research, pulled my blaster from my side from knowledge gained through a 36 year career in the computer industry, I was able to successfully blast the fucker into oblivion disable CoPilot from the Windows 11 platform. 

Here is how I did it:

To disable MS Copilot from Windows 11:

1.      REGEDIT

2.      Go into the directory: \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows       Note: This is a BIG directory. You can start at the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE directory and step down until you get to the \Windows sub-directory.

3.      Right Mouse Click – NEW – Key, Value is “WindowsCopilot” (typed as noted in bold) <Enter>

4.      Go into that new key, it will have one entry called (Default).

5.      Right Mouse Click – NEW – DWORD, Values is “TurnOffWindowsCopilot” <Enter>

6.      Hover mouse arrow over new entry, Right mouse click MODIFY

7.      Set value to 1 (hexadecimal) <Enter>

8.      Reboot the PC. 

You should see the CoPilot icon grayed out wherever it had been active (Word, task bar, etc.)

After the reboot, you can then go into the System Apps, scroll down to CoPilot and select UNINSTALL, do the same for Microsoft Office 365 CoPilot; Office will revert back to the Windows 11 version

This will remove the CoPilot hooks, but I suspect that Microsoft will continue to try and sneak it back onto the platform with future upgrades. 

 I'll just have to keep my blaster handy when the droids show up. 




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