Kamala Harris Delivers Uplifting Message While Accepting the NAACP Chairman's award over the weekend.
"...It is today that our best work can be done! Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty! Organize, mobilize, educate! The American story will not be written by... who ever occupies the oval office... or the wealthiest among us... but by we the people!"
She's right. But it is going to be a very long, very hard fight.
Agreed. And the fight is now.
I am very enthused with my local Indivisible chapter - the folks are communicating well about upcoming town hall meetings and on gathering the bodies to attend.
From what I am seeing on other blogs, seems like the GOP congressmen weren't really prepared for the volume of backlash from their MAGA constituents on how far off the rails SCROTUS is driving the train. The next months are going to be interesting.
What a damn good speech!
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