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This is a blog by an adult for adults. Content will generally be PG-13 with a little beefcake now and then, however strong language may prevail, especially when commenting on the geopolitical BULLSHIT going on around the world. Otherwise, please enjoy the snark, some memes, okay, LOTS of memes, cats, and humor! Welcome!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

The gloves are off.

Just... heart wrenching.  Reported through Wonkette, the CNN coverage of an eleven year old girl, Jocelynn Rojo Carranza, who took her own life  after being mercilessly bullied by students in her school about the immigration status of her parents.  

Words... actions... have consequences.  When the youngest among us are so petrified of what... Trump... is going to do to them... echoed and escalated into threats by those within their community... with impunity... 

I have zero fucks to give to anyone who supported this, encourages this behavior, didn't want to get involved, stood aside out of protest or was just too chicken shit to, like, pay the fuck attention through this past election. 

The gloves are off.  The fucking gloves are off.  



Debra She Who Seeks said...

I agree -- heart breaking and disgraceful conduct on the part of all the bullies and enablers. May that little girl rest in peace and her parents get justice.

Rade said...

It is just so... damn sad that 1) This story got ZERO traction in the mainstream media and 2) Yet more shit has already hit since that buried any chance of this becoming an inflection point.

How... do we fix this?