I have not been sleeping well; the underlying anxiety of this… world… right now has been weighing on my conscious. I have come to that realization since the election that no check to some organization is going to resolve what is happening. That >I< have to summon the energy within myself to be present; to pay attention, observe. And foremost, I have to be willing and wanting to participate, to stand up and fight.
My father was one of
twelve; when WWII broke out, all those who could serve, volunteered
to serve. Of all those who went; all came home. My father often
told of when the war was declared, he and his brothers immediately
went to the Armed Services office and signed up.
I understand what he felt; it’s what I am feeling inside of me since SCROTUS and his side-kick, the Ketamine Crackhead, rampaged into office on January 20. Not fear, but anger. Rage. An understanding that I have to make a commitment, an investment – that our… my… American democracy needs to be defended.
My husband and I have a close friend, our Minister from St. Petersburg, FL. She has since retired, but we keep in frequent contact. Her and I talked this week. She has been invited to preach at various pulpits down that way. She told me that she’s seeing a seismic split in the congregations since the election and all the Executive Orders have been getting enacted. She is seeing two distinct sides – one group of parishioners absolutely terrified with how, if or when implemented, these orders will devastate them; Medicaid, EBT, Medicare, immigration, etc. Paralyzed with fear of all the possible actions coming against them. The second group are the ones wanting to take action – to organize. To fight.
I finally understand and appreciate what Franklin Delano Roosevelt meant by “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!”. The time of our fear is ending; the time for action is now. We are going to be fine. We are going to organize. We are going to be visible. Indivisible. Unified.
If Lech Walesa can bring his people out of communism through systematic organization and protest, we can certainly work to thwart the idiot in the White House from implementing Authoritarian rule.
Well, like that old saying goes -- "it's better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness."
That, too!
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