Humor aside, for has... heinous... as the daily barrage of missives are coming out of the Twice Impeached, Convicted Felon President's administration, we have to remember... we have a constitution that has been ratified by 3/4 of the United States of America which offers protections to... us.
The Executive branch, the Legislative branch, even the Judicial branch can all declare they find something is null and void, but the constitution is the law of the land, and unless:
- 3/4 of both houses of government vote to amend / change it <and>
- 3/4 of the United States vote to accept the amendment
Nothing is going to be changed by some Executive Order. Those are only a distraction; a way to get you to react. Don't buy into it.
This link will take you to the Constitution Center website.
- Stay off / limit your Social Media.
- Avoid Cable News.
- Don't spend time reading what is in the Executive Orders; to paraphrase as one blogger put it - they look like they were badly written by an AI bot and not proof-read by an under-educated staff.
- Don't listen to soundbites.
- Ignore the "HAIR ON FIRE!" hype.
Oh, and if you DO find yourself stuck on Social Media, combine emoji's together for your response! You'll feel better for the effort! I use these two a lot!
(Feel free to copy and paste.)
We WILL prevail.
In peace.
Ratifying an amendment actually takes approval by the legislatures of three-quarters of the states (thirty-eight states) -- it's two-thirds of the states to call a Constitutional convention, which would merely propose amendments, not ratify them. So amending the Constitution is almost impossible right now, thank goodness.
Those four accidents would need to be very strategically distributed. Most Republican Congresscritters represent red states or districts, which would just elect Republican replacements. There are only a few, from swing districts, that would be replaced by Democrats. Me, I'm counting on the Freedumb Cock-ass to gum up the works and force Johnson to negotiate with the Democrats to work around them.
Not that I'd say no to one last cheeseburger being the final straw for Trump's undoubtedly already-clogged arteries.
Thank you! Fixed. Don't know why I had 2/3'rds on the brain...
I just don't know how much longer this "Performative Cruelty" can persist. Somethings going to blow; I can't believe that ALL of the GOP in Congress have no souls...
Actually the way the process works is:
Proposing amendments requires either two-thirds of the House plus two-thirds of the Senate or a Constitutional convention which is called by two-thirds of the states (34 states).
Ratifying an amendment requires approval by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states (38 states).
So both fractions are used, just at different stages of the process.
When is Trump going to fulfill the Simpson's prediction of his death? I wish he would get it over with so we can celebrate.
Leanna - I'm with Leanna.
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